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Prospective Researcher



STEM Pathways invites undergraduates part of Boston University to become members and engage in the program.  New participants are encouraged to connect online to apply to be a part of the next STEM Pathways Cohort. The deadlines are as follows:

  • Spring    : Early December

  • Fall         : Early September

  • Summer : Late February


Please refer to the calendar for exact dates.

Funding to support member’s development varies depending on the opportunities available.  These resources could include:




As a STEM Pathways researcher, you can expect to receive mentorship and support from undergraduate, graduate, and faculty members; have access to resources to develop your career and research skills in preparation for summer internships, post graduation employment and entrepreneurship opportunities; engage in STEM Pathways hosted meet ups, participate in 617 Connection / K12 Curriculum Development activities in fulfillment of STEM Pathways’ mission statement.


Current Labs


STEM Pathways is currently associated with four laboratories housed under the umbrella of the Biological Design Center at Boston University. The common thread between these labs is the interest expressed in varied pioneering research work in the field of synthetic biology going from yeast to robots. Click on each image learn more about the different labs.


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